Monday, April 29, 2013

adventure food

Lately I've been planning my summer adventures. Biking down the pacific coast, backpacking in Olympic National Park, hiking Mt Rainier, etc... This is probably my favorite part of the year, at least if I ignore all of the finals shenanigans. I spend some (read: most) of my classes daydreaming of these places I will go, and the last hour or so before I go to sleep each night is spent poring over my computer screen, filled with numerous tabs of maps, the national park service website, my google calendar, and flight information. This is all obviously very exciting, but I must say, the one thing I'm not looking forward to while on these journeys is the food I will eat.

When traveling via bicycle or car, I can't keep foods that have to be refrigerated or heat foods up. Thus, I have to find ways to get a tasty, healthy, and satisfying meal without the use of cooking or refrigeration. One of the few foods that actually fulfills all of these requirements is a fruit and nut wrap I started making last year when I was taking long bike rides and needed to pack a lunch. It gets you what you need for the strenuous physical activity of biking long distances or hiking up mountains. The recipe is below (and, of course, is in my usual style... approximate and somewhat improvised differently each time depending on what I have and what I feel like).

Take 1 tortilla and spread copious amounts of peanut butter on it. Chop 1 banana into medium size slices, and distribute evenly over peanut butter. If desired, drizzle honey over top. Lastly, add any combination of nuts and other fruits you want (I've had good luck with oranges, which might be surprising, and slices of pears or apple are decent too; chopped almonds or pecans can be good). Wrap up and eat.

Protein, fruit, carbs. I foresee myself eating a lot of these over the next few months.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your summer adventures sound AWESOME!