Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dinner for One

It's a Saturday night, but not any Saturday night though. Tonight is the last Saturday night of the regular academic year, and what am I doing? My blog.

Despite the fact that I spent the entire day at Six Flags, surrounded by coasters and hot guys (what could be any better than that?), I am spending my night alone, truly alone. What do you do when all of your friends are involved in activities that you cannot participate in yourself? I decided to go make myself some popcorn and watch a movie, but before that listen to 80's rock and write my blog.

That may not sound too bad, but when you're walking around your house to make popcorn in mint colored pajama pants and all of a sudden your house is flooded by hot guys, being lonely is a problem. However, I didn't realize that I was a loner until I looked at the labeling on my popcorn - it's called a single serving mini bag. I'm so lonely that I can't even share my popcorn! This little dinner snack has made me realize that I really am a loser tonight and I don't know if I should be mad at the popcorn or myself...on top of that, I hate popcorn, especially when it gets stuck in your teeth!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, there is nothing lonelier than your food telling you that you are alone, except maybe when you eat a family-size portion of pizza all by yourself.