Monday, April 29, 2013


I've decided that popcorn is quite under appreciated. Seriously, think about it. I forget about it for weeks, months at a time and then I eat it at a movie night and realize what's been missing from my life. Popcorn is delicious, cute, cheap, and so easy to make. So why don't I eat it more often? It's a mystery. It falls off my radar, I'm distracted by whatever food is in front of me, or whatever. I wish that I ate popcorn more often because every time I do it makes me really happy. Popcorn can be dangerous because I can eat it forever, but I'm okay with that. It's harmless compared to some of the other junk foods I consume. 

Let's review why popcorn is awesome:
-it's inexpensive
-it's not filling
-it's versatile (salty, sweet, spicy, covered in chocolate/icing, etc)
-it's buttery
-it's easy to make
-it's a perfect midnight snack
-it's great to put out at any party/gathering
-it's portable
-it's a finger food
-it's very tasty
-it's paired with movies (movies are also awesome)

Agree? Disagree? Post a comment and let me know!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Half the reason why I go to movie theaters is because of the popcorn.