Sunday, February 10, 2013

On my culinary skills and cheese

Lately, I've seen all these amazing and mouth-watering recipes on this blog and I felt that I should contribute a recipe as well! However, one thing that bars me from doing so is that...well....I can't cook for the life of me.

Honestly, I can only whip up a mediocre peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an unappetizing bowl of cereal. A microwaveable bag of popcorn is pushing it. I don't know how I ended up with such disappointing culinary skills - is it genetics? Is it because I ordered take-out most of my life? I just don't know! And worse, my family is rooted in the restaurant business. My paternal grandmother in South Korea owns a restaurant that had been covered on a popular Korean variety show once ago. My aunt runs a restaurant a few miles away from my grandmother, while running an office supply store and managing a family of three. My mom and my maternal grandmother used to operate a small deli-style store in the heart of New York City. My dad, who I have never really seen cook often, shows  exemplary talent in barbecuing - a meal that I look forward to whenever I come back home. And even my younger sister, who is a senior in high school, can recreate anything she finds online. I am ashamed to say that she would often make food for me. So what happened here?

Here are some testimonials about my culinary skills:

"How in the world did you make cornbread out of Betty Crocker's cupcake mix?!" -Seul-E Son

"Seulgi, I am very worried about you. How will you live after college?" - my mother

"Ew." - a friend

"I can't believe you almost set the microwave on fire." -Seul-E Son 

So, yes. I suggest you all run far away whenever a recipe book is in a mile radius from me.

However, I have to give myself credit for this one little treat I'm going to share with you all. It's a snack that I've been eating since I discovered the existence of this exquisite cheese: The Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss. I absolutely love it: not only for the taste, but it's packaging! It's packaged in a circular box but on unraveling it, you can see 8 triangular wedges of wrapped cheese. I love it primarily because it reminds me of a pizza.

Here is the recipe for how I use this cheese:

Cheese and Crackers

What you need: 
Wheat Thins
Laughing Cow Light and Creamy Swiss

1) Open both boxes of Wheat Thins and cheese
2) Spread as much cheese as you'd like on that wheat thin (do not fret, you have 7 more wedges of cheese leftover in your fridge)
3) Enjoy!

Never fails.

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