Saturday, February 23, 2013


   About a year ago, my friends mom introduced me to a new site called Pinterest. I had heard of it a couple times but brushed it off as another internet obsession like stumble upon or tumblr. But once I tried it...I was absolutely hooked. I've been on the site for about a year and 2 months and have 2,000+ pins...I'm absolutely obsessed.
   The way Pinterest works is you create different boards each with it's category (food, crafts, clothes...etc) and you look through the site and pin things you like or want to try onto your boards. It connects with facebook so you can follow your friends and see what they're pinning. It also has a tool for your bookmark bar so you can pin from other sites. Ever pin has a link to the website it originally came from. I have about 12 boards on pinterest but my most popular board is my food board, Bon Appetit. I have 400+ pins on this board, about half of them are food porn but the other half is things I've that I've made or things that I would love to make.
Pinterest has led me to some of my favorite recipes. Including this super easy and delicious recipe for fried rice:
It tastes better than take out and only takes about 10 minutes to make.
And this recipe for homemade peanut butter cups:
These are better made in the fall or winter. I made them this past summer and every time I took one out of the freezer to eat I ended up with chocolate all over my hands. But regardless of how messy they are, they are VERY delicious. Dare I say, their even better than reeses.

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