Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pedal Pubs

Every summer around dinnertime, I can hear them coming our way. The rambunctious laughter precedes the bikers, echoing down our block. It is a family habit of trying to catch them, so we all rush excitedly to see the people bike extremely slowly past our house.

There is a new fad called pedal pubs. It combines all the best aspects of summer, drinking something cool (I believe you can get soda in addition to beer) and enjoying exercise outdoors, with the most foolish idea I have ever heard: biking while drinking. Available for birthdays, parties and honestly just whenever you want to drink, pedal pubs are giant wagon-like bikes that seat six to twelve people, complete with a driver, a bartender and your own keg. In case there was not enough alcohol already involved in this trip, along the prescribed route there are select stops at participating bars, to which all bikers get a discount. The idea is that you get to see the town and get absolutely smashed while doing it.

Personally, I think this is the silliest idea ever. It seems there is almost no way that this cannot end badly, yet there have been surprisingly few accidents (if any) thanks to the sober driver. Yet, I can see the appeal (if you are into that sort of thing). What doesn't sound absolutely amazing about drinking with your friends, sightseeing and exercising all at the same time? As for me, for more reasons that one, I think I'll just stick to my normal bike this summer.

For more information:

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