Monday, April 29, 2013

why the digestive issues Lucia?

The time has come: I made an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

It has been long over do, but I always maintained the mentality that somehow I could
sort it all out myself. My history with digestive issues goes 4 years back. I have never
had any trouble, and then suddenly everything became irritated and reactive and sooo
sensitive. I made the decision to cut out dairy and that worked well for a bit, but as time
progressed I kept having bizarre reactions to food (rashes, nausea, headaches, loose stools,
bloat, acid reflux... you name it). Then the symptoms got worse and unbearable, and
soon it was discovered through many tests that I had developed an intolerance to fat.
WHY. So I had to go on an extremely low fat diet a month before arriving to Smith.
Much of the reason I had to move off campus is the result of my dietary complications.

Anyways, I am still struggling. I get horrible bouts of nausea that lasts for two or three days
(what I had in class last week). Because all these doctors visits are expensive, and I
can't really afford them I have mostly stuck with the "I can solve it myself" thing. But
NO I CAN'T. It is so frustrating and uncomfortable. I am die-hard foodie, and yet I am
plagued by these recurring digestive issues. It is time to get to the bottom of this. I come

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