Monday, April 29, 2013

I ate the bone!!!

I've always seen boneless skinless chicken in stores, and every time I ask do they remove the bones without tearing up the perfect chicken breast?!? This is a real questions! As Kentucky Fried Chicken has been promoting its new chicken and I've started to consider more of what I eat, this question begins to plague me again. So how does one "remove" the bones...IF that "chicken" came from a real chicken? I understand chicken breast, but Kentucky is boasting both white meat and dark meat. The last I checked, chicken legs definitely have bones in them. After a lot of intensive research (Google), I realized there are more people like myself who have this question. The main theory, for the wings,  is that they are just pieces of chicken breast cut like little wings. This makes me feel a little better, but not by much because that's just false advertising. My own personal theory, it they just dissolve the bones with some type of chemical. That's just what my explanation has been all of these years, but does anyone really know what makes chicken boneless? Maybe you'll have a better guess than I.

1 comment:

Sara Eddy said...

It may be the chicken equivalent of "pink slime." Brace yourself before looking at this link, if you don't already know what this stuff is.