Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Ultimate Food Sin?

Some of you may never forgive me for this. Chef Boyardee/SpaghettiOs are my guilty pleasure. I had a whole stash under my bed, which has now been depleted from months of being a college student.

I don't know where my obsession began. I rarely ate them as a child and I can't remember the first time I had any of the products. I must have eaten them at a friend's house because I vaguely remember asking my mom to buy some, to which she said no. When my sisters and I were older she would buy them occasionally on sale as a treat. I think she was nervous that we would refuse normal food if we ate them all the time. I guess she thought that if we didn't eat them when we were little we wouldn't develop an unreasonable liking for them.

Wrong. I love them. Traditional SpaghettiOs and the Chef Boyardee Ravioli are my favorites, but really I'll eat any of them. I'm fully aware that they're disgusting, unnatural, unhealthy, and really weird, but they're so good. It's really quite dangerous for me to keep a stock of them because I'll eat them instead of real food if I'm lazy. The stash under my bed was small. In fact, I'm finishing up the last one right now so I'll have to survive the rest of the year without any. I think I'll manage just fine. I only eat them if they're readily available. I won't go out and buy some, which is odd, but good for my wallet and my health. I suppose I should be glad that my guilty pleasure food of choice is relatively inexpensive, compared to gourmet cake or something. Although cake would be less appalling.

I'm not actually embarrassed, though. Everybody has their "thing". I guarantee that everyone reading this is currently thinking about their favorite disgustingly delicious, embarrassing, I-would-never-tell-a-soul-about-it food, right now. If you feel like sharing yours, please do! Leave a comment and don't leaving me hanging with this food confessional!

1 comment:

Sara Eddy said...

I grew up on this crap, and it's attached to an allele in my DNA. Every once in a while I get a massive craving for the raviolis, in fact...