Sunday, March 31, 2013

10 Fun Food Facts

I have had a long week of writing papers so I decided to keep this week's blog post light. So here is a list of the top 10 fun food facts I found on the Internet. I was surprised by quite a few of them!

1. More than 345 billion Oreos have been made since 1912: guess Oreos really our America's favorite cookie!

2. Ketchup was created to treat liver disease: Hmm..I don't remember reading about this in the Ketchup Conundrum. Apparently in 1834 Dr. John Cook Bennett announced that tomatoes cured headaches, diarrhea, nausea, and could even fight Cholera.

3. You can get addicted to vanilla: who knew vanillic acid was similar to epinephrine and norepinephrine and could cause a reaction in the brain that can be addictive.

4. About 30% of all food produced in never eaten: just one U.S. family of four wastes almost 2,000 pounds of food every year.

5. There are such things as square melons: people in Japan have grown watermelons in glass cubes to force them into cubic shaped melons that make them easier to store in refrigerators.

6. People can be overweight and malnourished: if you eat too many fatty foods high in calories but that also lack vitamins and mineral the body needs, people are said to be over and underfed. Therefore, it is thought that a large population of Americans are both obese and starving at the same time.

7. A strawberry McDonald's milkshake contains 50 artificial ingredients: apparently real strawberries were too expensive so instead they used 50 chemicals to resemble one naturally grown food. Lovely.

8. Processed cheese is less than 51 percent cheese: this makes me think about that Sargento cheese blog review we read. The source I received this from (the list was called "10 really disgusting food facts") said that cheese companies should instead market the cheese as "cheese-like-substance."

9. One record-setting chicken laid 364 eggs in one year: before being domesticated, chicken only laid about dozen or so eggs a year

10. Microbes are required in the production of cheese, beer, bread, yogurt, wine, kimichi, salami, and chocolate!

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