Saturday, March 9, 2013

Stress = FEED ME!

With the first half of the semester wrapping up and professors deciding to drench us in "Things To Do," I, and I'm sure everyone else, am feeling completely and impossibly overwhelmed. To add to that, this time next week we all will be on Spring Break, which means that professors are trying to squeeze out the little bit of life we have in us before setting us free for a week (which we all know is not true because somehow, Smith will follow me home seeming as how I have a book to read, two papers to write, and some other assignment I don't even understand yet).  But before all of that, I have to get through this blog post.
I had a really hard time finding a topic to talk about this week and found myself saying, "What am I going to write my blog on?" That changed about two minutes ago...
After staring blankly at my nearly blank word document for my other class for five minutes, my pounding head forced me to close it out and unfortunately call it quits for the night. As I angrily began to pack up my stuff, the first thing that crossed my mind was a half empty box of Pop Tarts I have in my room. I figured I could warm that up and wait patiently for my clothes and blankets to finish washing and what not, while images mindlessly flip across my television screen.
There it was, I realized that I was using food to make myself feel better. And although I know I don't make much sense right now, the one thing that is making sense in my brain is the fact that a warm Brown Sugar Pop Tart and a glass of milk are all I care about in this moment. In addition to that, if I lived closer to the CC, I would probably go there and buy a milkshake too. Therefore, I guess in a sorry attempt to fight back my tears of the impending doom that this week is surely promising, I'm going to eat my pain away...certainly this is not healthy or normal, but it makes me wonder, is this what college, and stress in general, does to us?


Unknown said...

I actually think that although yes, you are probably correct in saying that "eating your pain away" is unhealthy, I would argue that it is in fact quite normal...

Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree with Kerry - it's pretty normal! Now what I do is that sometimes (who am I kidding, I mean all the time) I eat when I'm bored. Now that's unhealthy!