Sunday, March 10, 2013

So which is better?

One of the main things that I've learned at Smith (besides the fact that many Smithies love cats) is that  people usually know a better substitute for the food available here in Northampton. If you don't know what I'm talking about, well, here's a few examples:

I was working on my GIS Lab in the Spatial Analysis Lab late one night, when someone saw my Limered Assam Milk Tea (with boba) sitting right next to my notes. If y'all don't know, I love bubble tea - some may find the boba disgusting, but I find them very fun. She had said, "Wow, you like Limered? They don't make good bubble tea. I know many other places where they sell authentic bubble tea." Well. I'm sure there are better bubble tea stores out there in the vast wilderness that is the US of A, but there's only one bubble tea shop in Northampton! When I have a bubble tea craving, I have no choice but to go that one store!

And a couple of days ago, my friends and I were at Limered (big surprise there!) when we saw one of the employees eating pho. We wondered if it was from Pho Vietnam, the vietnamese restaurant located right next door to Local Burger, when she corrected us and said that she got it from the "better" vietnamese restaurant on Route 9. I have no idea where Route 9 is, but I'm probably still going to eat pho at Pho Vietnam.

And finally today, I mentioned to my friend that I was going to eat and study at Haymarket (because we all know that Haymarket has magical properties that can increase overall productivity), when she had said, "Eww. Why Haymarket? Woodstar is so much better." Sigh.

I guess it's because I'm used to what Northampton has to offer and I'm pleased with it. But this disgust that everyone is feeling is the same with me. Whenever my friends eat at Comstock and Wilder's Korean Night, I'm always slightly disgusted. Why? Because I know a way better place that gives out authentic korean food.

***** I'm siting in Haymarket now and I'm overhearing a nearby conversation of Monsanto and farmers! I know what they're talking about!*****

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