Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Inspired by my paper topic, I decided to do a post about cupcakes. I love cupcakes. Whoever invented them, which I will soon discover through research, is a genius. Let me share with you why I love cupcakes.

They're the perfect serving size (at least for my liking).
They're adorable.
They're fun to make, and much easier than cake.
They're fun to eat.
You can decorate each one differently.
If you're baking with a group of people there's no need to fight over a frosting flavor or cake design because everybody can be in charge of their own cupcake.
They can be an arts and crafts project, and then be the snack at snack time (double whammy).
They're cute and popular enough to be a gift by themselves.
And...  they're cupcakes.

As for my very academic search, I typed "cutest cupcakes" into Google images. I began "researching" the variety of cupcake designs and these are some of my favorites.

This reminds me of my sister, therefore I had to post it. Also it's a cookie and a cupcake and that's great.

It's a cupcake that looks like a baby! It doesn't get any cuter than that.

This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I think this is a cupcake...

Am I eating a pie or a cupcake? You'll never know.

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