Monday, March 4, 2013

My Coffee Ritual

                                                              My Coffee Ritual 

Good Morning. I am writing to you all after finishing my coffee ritual; it is perhaps my most cherished daily practice. As an early riser, I cherish the practice of quietly descending the stairs as the others in my house remain sleeping. Beginning my day with a tranquil and peaceful awakening makes a huge difference on how I approach daily activities. I wake between 4:30-5:30 or at least I intend to. The quiet of the house guides me to the stove where I fill the kettle and put the water on to boil. From there I turn to the coffee (I try to grind the night before to maintain quiet), place the coffee filter in my cherished Chemex (shown in photo above), and then pour the grinds into the filter. When the kettle begins to whistle, and all else is readily prepared, I begin the pouring process. This is one of my favorite parts: the steam rises as the water greets the grinds and fills the filter with the richest color of brown. The coffee slowly drips through the Chemex, gently hitting the bottom and collecting into a delicious puddle of warmth. I run my coffee cup beneath hot water in the sink, for I would not like to taint my freshly brewed coffee with a cold cup. After the coffee is done, I pour it into my cup. As it fountains out of the Chemex my body prepares for the glory of the first sip. I stare at the coffee for a moment, so grateful for its presence in my life. The first sip is always a moment of ecstasy and appreciation. 

I go to bed every single night thinking about coffee and the beauty I get to experience every morning when I wake. It my simplest, yet most indulgent treasure. I love coffee. 

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