Tuesday, March 12, 2013


  When I was a kid I was forced to drink a glass of milk every night at dinner. I grew up in Minnesota...where it's practically a crime to be lactose intolerant. So I loved milk but I hated being held hostage at the dinner table until I emptied the thick plastic cup. It was a pretty intense love-hate relationship. A couple years ago, Island Dairies (the local dairy on St.Croix) moved to Puerto Rico. I'm not entirely sure what changed in the milk making process to make it safe to ship back to St.Croix but whatever it was made the milk really gross. So I promptly stopped drinking milk. I'd have a glass every once in a while but I noticed that if I drank too much my stomach would start to hurt (OH NO! lactose intolerance!!). This past summer, I lived in Minnesota and I went to the State Fair (pretty much the greatest state fair in the country). On of the many fantastic things about the State Fair is the milk. You can get unlimited milk (skim, 2%, whole or chocolate) for 1 DOLLAR. It's foamy, fresh and delicious.

 I've been really sick for the past week and in an attempt to get healthy again I banned all dairy products from my diet. So naturally, I found myself craving a cold glass of delicious milk.

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