Monday, March 11, 2013


Over winter break my sister introduced me to a hearty winter soup. This soup is a carrot ginger miso soup, three flavors which did not sound at all appealing the first time she told me about it. She was so excited about making this meal for my family and me that I didn't say anything. I didn't remind her that I am not a big fan of soups or that ginger was one of my least favorite flavors. Instead, I sat down with my bowl, tried to take as small of a portion as possible and hoped that it would be good.

Imagine veggie spring rolls. This was exactly what the soup tasted like minus the grease. The carrots, ginger and miso all melded together to play decadent notes on my tongue. I was in love.

Now, getting ready to go back home, I have been trying to decide upon which meals I wanted. This was the first one I thought of and to tell you the truth, I can't wait!

So, I am wondering, do any of you have foods that you didn't initially think you would enjoy because of the ingredients? And were you happily surprised to find that odd flavors that you did not like before were able to morph into a sumptuous dish when added to other unexpected ingredients?

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