Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Second Chance

Similar to how MFK Fisher gave tripe another chance, I decided to give a food that I before did not like another chance.  For some reason, I am not a big fan of onions and this could be that I dislike them since my eyes get really watery when I chop onions up or because it has a bad after taste in my mouth.  Regardless of the reason, I never liked eating onions with anything not even when they were fried.  I do enjoy eating french fries though, so a few days ago I was craving some. 

My friends and I decided to go eat at Lamont so I was hoping they were serving french fries.  I became disappointed when I found out that there weren't any french fries.  Although I remembered how much I disliked onion rings, I wanted fries so I decided to give them another try.  As I bit into the onion ring, I got these different flavors in my mouth and realized that they weren't that bad.  It had a nice sweet flavor, as well as, salty enough to give it flavor.  I enjoyed the flavors that the onion rings brought together.  Even though the onion rings were not the healthiest alternative to french fries, I enjoyed every bite of them and their high amplitude. So, I decided not to come to a conclusion on whether I like something or not after one try because it might taste better the second time around. The  onion rings were quite delicious with ranch and now I won't only look forward to eating french fries, but not I will also look forward to eating onion rings.   


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