Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Lady Killigrew

If you have yet to go to The Lady Killigrew (and, by extension, The Montague Bookmill), I implore you to do so as soon as possible... i.e. for your next meal. The Lady Killigrew is a wonderful cafe in Montague, MA, just half an hour north of Northampton. It's attached to the Bookmill, which is an old grist mill now converted into a used bookstore. Together, they make a wonderful sunny afternoon or Saturday activity. And that is exactly what my significant other and I did to celebrate Valentine's Day last week.

After driving through the winding local highways (with gorgeous views of the river, woods, and/or farmhouses surrounding us), we pulled up to The Book Mill. Although we've both been there before, it never gets old. One can easily spend a few hours browsing and sampling books while seated in one of their old stuffed arm chairs. After a little bit of milling around (no pun intended), we headed through the old wooden door into The Lady Killigrew for lunch. Its wall facing the river is made almost entirely of glass, allowing the entire place to be filled with warmth and sunlight. Though we both often go for one of their delicious grilled sandwiches (brie, apricot jam, and marinated apples being my personal favorite), this time we settled on a bagel, eggs, and a peanut butter nutella sandwich, which we shared. Those sound pretty ordinary, I know, but they made them extraordinary. The bread for the sandwich was a great sourdough country bread, and the bagel, despite being "plain," had some sort of extra sourness to it that went perfectly with the cream cheese. Combined with a cup of earl grey, the meal was just what we needed for an early lunch.

Peruse the menu on their website, and I think you'll be convinced to go.

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