Sunday, February 17, 2013


   Every year during Presidents Day Weekend St. Croix holds the annual Agriculture and Food Fair. It's basically a state fair with a lot of Caribbean flare. There's educational booths, souvenir stands, animals (my dad showed one of his peacocks this year), a hay bale decoration competition and most importantly, there's  A LOT of delicious food.
 Stuck up in New England with a foot of snow on the ground, I was feeling especially homesick this weekend. I missed the warm sand and salty breeze but most of all I missed all the amazing, heart-attack inducing food of home. Every year I go to the Ag Fair and browse the stands and see all the animals but really...the only reason I go is to eat.
Pates (not to be confused with liver pâté) are a mix of meat and spices fried in a very light puff pastry. They come in ground beed (my favorite), vegetarian, conch and saltfish. They seem pretty straight forward but their one of those foods that's only good when you get it from the elderly west indian women who was taught to cook by her mother with recipes passed down from generation to generation.

Tamarind Balls are a sweet treat with a spicy kick. The tamarind fruit is tangy and delicious. It's even better rolled in sugar.

Johnny Cakes are a delicious and filling snack. Best fresh out of the fryer the fried dough treat is fluffy and sweet. A little denser than a pastry but lighter than bread, johnny cakes are the perfect way to start off a day at the Ag Fair.

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