Friday, February 8, 2013

Winter Storm Nemo

In light of recent events, I am positive I was not the only person apprehensive about going to lunch today, merely due to the fact that everyone would be in a mad rush to assemble their poor excuse for a dinner and then some. As I sit in my room with my two brown paper bags filled with sustenance for the danger ahead, I thought this would be a good a time as any to reflect on the behavior I displayed in preparing for this storm. 

Risking complete and utter embarrassment, here is what I acquired from the dining hall today in preparation for Nemo:
            1 bowl of Lucky Charms
            2 wraps: 1 with roast beef and 1 with chicken
            2 cookies
            4 slices of white bread
            6 packets of peanut butter
            4 packets of grape jelly
            4 packets of apple jelly
            1 bottle of cranberry juice

The way I packed, you would think the dining halls would be closed for the next 2 days. The real question is what possessed me to do so. Perhaps I was anticipating the unfortunate event of the dining halls being unable to open tomorrow; perhaps I overestimated my hunger; perhaps I was so overwhelmed that I saw this as the only logical course of action. Either way, I now have enough food to feed a small army. I feel as if our recent discussion of being gluttonous and wasteful should have at least curbed my excessive collecting of food. Alas, I was tempted and subsequently succumbed.

Did anyone else experience this urge to gather everything in sight “just in case?” 

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